Cochabamba Water War Presents Globalization Alternative to the World
In December 2000, members of the IFG Committee on Water and Globalization were invited to Bolivia
View ArticleThe Free Trade Area of the Americas and the Threat to Water
At the 1994 Summit of the Americas in Miami, FL., the leaders of the 34 nations of Canada, the United States, Central and South America and the Caribbean (excluding Cuba), agreed to sign a...
View ArticleGovernments should not use "national security" to stifle dissent
Activists around the world received the e-mail shortly after noon on Nov. 27. The subject line read, simply, "Oscar Olivera in Detention." Oscar Olivera is a leader in the fight for affordable water in...
View ArticleBechtel v. Bolivia
BECHTEL CORP. celebrated one of the most profitable years in its 100-plus-year history by suing one of the poorest countries in the world: Bolivia. After raking in $14 billion
View ArticleWater, Not for Sale
According to Public Services International, between 1989 (the year water was privatized) and 1995, water prices increased 106 percent in the United Kingdom, while profits for the privatizing companies...
View ArticleCashing In on Water
In his Sept. 30 op-ed column, "A Protest Teach-in Spoiled by Facts," Sebastian Mallaby said the World Bank did not promote the disastrous water privatization project in Cochabamba, Bolivia, because it...
View ArticleThe River vs. Water, Inc.: An Interview with Vandana Shiva
In late-October 2005, Antonia interviewed world-reknowned global activist, physicist, and ecologist Dr. Vandana Shiva for LiP magazine, based in Oakland, California. They discussed Dr. Shiva's thougts...
View ArticleCochabamba Water War Presents Globalization Alternative to the World
In December 2000, members of the IFG Committee on Water and Globalization were invited to Bolivia
View ArticleThe Free Trade Area of the Americas and the Threat to Water
At the 1994 Summit of the Americas in Miami, FL., the leaders of the 34 nations of Canada, the United States, Central and South America and the Caribbean (excluding Cuba), agreed to sign a...
View ArticleGovernments should not use "national security" to stifle dissent
Activists around the world received the e-mail shortly after noon on Nov. 27. The subject line read, simply, "Oscar Olivera in Detention." Oscar Olivera is a leader in the fight for affordable water in...
View ArticleBechtel v. Bolivia
BECHTEL CORP. celebrated one of the most profitable years in its 100-plus-year history by suing one of the poorest countries in the world: Bolivia. After raking in $14 billion
View ArticleWater, Not for Sale
According to Public Services International, between 1989 (the year water was privatized) and 1995, water prices increased 106 percent in the United Kingdom, while profits for the privatizing companies...
View ArticleCashing In on Water
In his Sept. 30 op-ed column, "A Protest Teach-in Spoiled by Facts," Sebastian Mallaby said the World Bank did not promote the disastrous water privatization project in Cochabamba, Bolivia, because it...
View ArticleThe River vs. Water, Inc.: An Interview with Vandana Shiva
In late-October 2005, Antonia interviewed world-reknowned global activist, physicist, and ecologist Dr. Vandana Shiva for LiP magazine, based in Oakland, California. They discussed Dr. Shiva's thougts...
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